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Festival Tour


The festivities consist mainly of masked dances, chanting, blessing or reading religious texts aloud and last two or three days. The repertory of masked dances and the gorgeous silk and brocade costumes are the same for all the ‘tsechu’ - only the settings are different. The events take place outside and inside the Dzongs. Thronging with locals, these occasions are a visual delight for all to experience. The climax of the festivals is the unfurling of a huge silk appliqué ‘thangka’ from the top of the building. This takes place in on the final day of the festival. The Punakha Dromchoe, which is celebrated either before or after the Tsechu, is performed to commemorate victory over the Tibetans when they invaded in the 17th century.

Besides the locals many tourists from across the world are attracted to these unique, colorful and exciting displays of traditional culture. Jomolhari Mountain Festival. Monggar Tshechu. Nimalung Festival. Nomad Festival. Paro Tshechu. Pema Gatshel Tshechu. Punakha Tshechu and Drubchen. Sakteng Festival

Birding Tour


Bhutan is a paradise for birdwatchers and ornithologists. More than 670 species of birds are found in the Kingdom of Bhutan, of which around 50 species are the winter migrants such as ducks, waders, birds of prey, thrushes, finches and buntings, and others are the partial migrants: cuckoos, swifts, bee-eaters, warblers and flycatchers.


Not only this, It also harbors more than 16 species of vulnerable birds: the Pallass Fish Eagle, White bellied Heron, Satyr Tragopan, Grey bellied Tragopan, Ward’s Trogaon, Blyths King Fisher, Rumped Honey Guide, Purple Cochoa, Rufous Throated Wren Babbler, Red headed Parrot Bill, Chestnut breasted Partridge, Blyths Trogon, Wood Snipe, Dark Rumped Swift, Rufous necked Hornbill, Grey crowned Prinia and the Beautiful Nuthatch. The country is also home to species of birds that are in danger of extinction: the Imperial Heron and the rare black-necked crane.

Culutral Tour


With an unspoiled land that is home to a vibrant Buddhist way of life, and as close in spirit to Shambala – or paradise – as an earth bound kingdom can be.


Our popular Bhutan tours cover the valleys of Thimphu, Paro, Punakha, Wangduephodrang, Gangtey Phobjikha, Trongsa, Bumthang and Trashigang. In these townships you can really discover the spirit of the Bhutanese, as well as visit numerous sacred sites, Dzongs, temples, landmarks, monasteries, markets, farmhouses, schools & museums. All our tour programs are flexible and can be easily tailored to suit.


Guests have the option of staying in either our range of carefully selected, government approved tourist class hotels and lodges, or upgrade (additional costs) to superior, luxury hotels and resorts. Further upgrade options including specialised transport can be utilised as part of our range of luxury tours.

We provide a range of tours depending on the interest of the Guest. Not only the tours but gives you the best stay at farm house where you will be rembered about the olden days life style inorder to experience yourself with Happiness in your heart. 

The Types of Tours we provide are:

1. Cultural Tour;

2. Birding Tour;

3. Pilgrimage Tours;

4. Biking Tour;

5. Festival Tour; 

6. Trekking Tour and

7. Seed to Happiness Tour. [For details visit the site:]

Tour Types

Pilgrimage Tour


his tour grants privileged access to the holiest Buddhist sites in Bhutan. From the famous, majestic Tiger’s Nest (Taktsang) balanced among the clouds high above Paro, blessed by Guru Padmasambhava himself, to Jambay Lhakhang, one of the oldest temples in Bhutan, built by the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo, this tour provides a true insight to the rich religious culture of Bhutan.

Bhutan is the last Himalayan Buddhist culture to have survived globalization. The culture remains vibrant and the environment pristine as Bhutan continues to thrive in the 21st-century. Apart from the majesty and grandeur of the natural surroundings, the environment allows communion with the divine through meditation and contemplation. Bhutan is an abode of Buddhist deities, immortals, and saints in the Himalayas. Scholars wandering yogis, saints and lay pilgrims, have been irresistibly drawn to these remote and rugged mountains throughout the centuries in their search for wisdom and inspiration. Experience the landscapes they have blessed for all pilgrims by following in their footsteps. As you travel to these hidden holy shrines and otherworldly ancient monasteries (Gompas), hiking through an unspoiled Himalayan environment, you will rediscover this peace and solitude.



The Kingdom of Bhutan is a landlocked country located in the eastern Himalayas between Tibet in the north and India in the south. Bhutan has a rugged and mountainous landscape with snowcapped peaks and glacier covered terrain in the north, spurs of the Himalayan peaks in the center and heavily forested foothills and subtropical plains in the south.

Bhutan has long maintained a policy of strict isolationism, both culturally and economically and as a result the Bhutanese culture is one of the oldest (dating back to the mid 17thcentury) and well preserved cultures in the world. In fact it has only been in the recent decades of the 20th century that foreigners have been allowed to visit the country, and only in limited numbers. Bhutan has an estimated population of 600,000 which is sparsely distributed throughout the country. There are three main ethnic groups in Bhutan; the Ngalungs (often called Drukpas) live in the north-western region and their ancestors migrated from Tibet, the Sharchops who inhabit the eastern and central region and derive from northern Burma and northeast India and lastly the Lhotshampas are the third ethnic group who live in the southern foothill districts and are of Nepali origin. The Bhutanese revere the tantric guru Padmasambhava the founder of Himalayan Buddhism in the 8th century.

World Expeditions extensive range of touring and trekking holidays in Bhutan have been developed to offer unlimited opportunities to enjoy the warmth of the Bhutanese people, the unique cultural heritage of Bhutan as well as the stunning mountain vistas and untouched wilderness regions of Bhutan.

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